
















1. 江南古韵的身心宴遇


2. 男性专属的放松空间


3. 高性价比的解压圣地



1. 杭州SPA馆之A168U77


2. 杭州SPA馆之舒活特SPA


3. 杭州SPA馆之健康专SPA









1. 前台接待

– 负责接待顾客,提供热情、周到的服务;
– 处理顾客投诉,协调解决各类问题;
– 维护酒店形象,提升顾客满意度。

– 大专及以上学历,酒店管理、旅游等相关专业优先;
– 具备良好的沟通能力和服务意识;
– 熟练掌握办公软件,具备较强的团队协作能力。

2. SPA技师

– 为顾客提供专业的SPA按摩、水疗等服务;
– 指导顾客进行正确的按摩手法;
– 维护SPA设备,确保设施正常运行。

– 中专及以上学历,按摩、护理等相关专业优先;
– 具备扎实的按摩技巧和丰富的实践经验;
– 热爱SPA行业,有良好的职业操守。

3. 康体教练

– 为顾客提供专业的健身指导,制定个性化健身计划;
– 组织各类健身课程,提高顾客的健身兴趣;
– 落实健身房的日常管理工作。

– 大专及以上学历,体育、健身等相关专业优先;
– 具备丰富的健身知识和实践经验;
– 有良好的沟通能力和团队协作精神。

4. 餐饮服务员

– 负责餐厅的日常服务,确保顾客用餐体验;
– 协助厨师进行食材准备和烹饪;
– 维护餐厅卫生,保持良好的用餐环境。

– 中专及以上学历,酒店管理、旅游等相关专业优先;
– 具备良好的服务意识和沟通能力;
– 熟悉餐饮行业规范,有相关工作经验者优先。


1. 具有竞争力的薪酬待遇,五险一金齐全;
2. 完善的晋升机制,为员工提供广阔的发展空间;
3. 定期举办员工培训,提升员工综合素质;
4. 节假日福利,享受带薪年假、婚假、产假等。


1. 报名:有意者请将个人简历发送至指定邮箱;
2. 面试:通过筛选的应聘者将收到面试通知;
3. 体检:面试合格者需参加公司组织的体检;
4. 录用:体检合格者将正式成为公司的一员。




















1. 舒适的休息区:休闲区设有多个休息区,提供舒适的沙发、茶几和茶具,让游客在享受桑拿的同时,也能品味一杯香茗,放松心情。

2. 丰富的桑拿种类:酒店桑拿休闲区设有干蒸、湿蒸、盐蒸等多种桑拿方式,满足不同游客的需求。同时,还设有专业的桑拿师为游客提供贴心的服务。

3. 独特的按摩区:休闲区设有多个按摩房,提供中式、泰式、日式等多种按摩手法,让游客在享受桑拿的同时,还能舒缓疲劳,放松身心。

4. 休闲设施一应俱全:休闲区还设有游泳池、健身房、棋牌室等设施,让游客在放松身心的同时,也能锻炼身体,丰富业余生活。



1. 先进的设施:休闲区采用先进的设备,确保桑拿效果和安全。同时,设施定期进行维护和保养,确保游客的舒适度。

2. 专业的服务:酒店拥有一支专业的服务团队,为游客提供热情、周到的服务。从接待、引导到按摩师,每位员工都经过严格培训,确保游客在休闲区享受到最优质的服务。

3. 个性化的服务:酒店根据游客的需求,提供个性化服务。例如,为商务人士提供私人按摩、为情侣提供浪漫氛围的按摩房等。



1. 主题活动:休闲区定期举办各类主题活动,如“健康养生讲座”、“瑜伽课程”等,让游客在享受桑拿的同时,还能学习健康知识。

2. 文化交流活动:休闲区还定期举办文化交流活动,如“茶艺表演”、“书法展示”等,让游客在休闲中感受中华文化的魅力。






1. 空调制冷:东站候车大厅内共有41台空调,全部开启通宵运转模式,保证室内温度适宜。

2. 冷风机:为应对高温,东站新增27台冷风机,并在人员密集区域加装4台风幕机,每隔两小时加水加冰晶,以保持制冷效果。

3. 冰块降温:在座椅下方放置了350块冰块,有效降低座椅温度。

4. 爱心冰箱:在候车大厅放置爱心冰箱,提供免费棒冰,为有需要的旅客解暑。


1. 防空洞:为方便市民避暑,东站周边开放了防空洞,市民可以前往纳凉。

2. 公益凉茶摊:在翠苑街道的德力西大厦,党员志愿者们正在制作凉茶,免费供过往市民饮用。

3. 街头公益设施:在街头放置爱心冰箱,提供免费棒冰给有需要的人。


1. 适时补水:高温天气下,人体容易流失水分,建议旅客多喝水,以防中暑。

2. 合理搭配衣物:穿着透气、吸汗的衣物,尽量避免穿着厚重衣物。

3. 避免长时间暴晒:在室外活动时,尽量选择在阴凉处休息,避免长时间暴晒。

4. 注意饮食:多吃清淡、易消化的食物,避免过量饮酒。

5. 关注身体状况:如出现中暑症状,应立即到阴凉处休息,并寻求帮助。


1. 提前规划行程:尽量避开高峰时段出行,减少在东站候车时间。

2. 了解东站动态:关注东站官方微博、微信公众号等平台,了解最新天气和候车信息。

3. 乘坐公共交通工具:建议乘坐公共交通工具前往东站,避免高温天气下的步行或骑行。





1. 悦榕庄(杭州)




2. 绿地铂骊酒店(杭州)




3. 杭州洲际酒店




4. 杭州喜来登酒店





1. 促进血液循环:蒸桑拿可以加速血液循环,提高新陈代谢,有助于排出体内毒素。

2. 缓解疲劳:蒸桑拿可以放松肌肉,缓解疲劳,提高睡眠质量。

3. 增强免疫力:蒸桑拿可以提高身体免疫力,预防感冒等疾病。

4. 美容养颜:蒸桑拿可以打开毛孔,促进皮肤新陈代谢,使皮肤更加光滑细腻。


1. 蒸桑拿前请先喝水,以补充流失的水分。

2. 蒸桑拿过程中,如感到不适,请立即停止,并及时补水。

3. 蒸桑拿后,请避免立即接触冷风,以免感冒。

4. 有高血压、心脏病等疾病患者,请在专业人士的指导下进行蒸桑拿。


Tianyang didn’t answer him at the end of the day. His figure suddenly disappeared. A bloody brilliance crossed the conference room and disappeared near the gate of Zheng Beian.

There, Tianyang’s figure appeared again and made a move to sheath the "blood drink"
"blood city is not a place where you can come and go whenever you want. You can leave your life if you want to go."
"Lu Se will take it to you. Don’t let me down."
Tianyang light said two sentences and walked out the door.
When he crossed the gate, Zheng Beian’s body shook. Suddenly, a rusty red knife light broke out from his chest and broke through the body in a blink of an eye, which made Zheng Beian’s body shake and finally shook into pieces!
Intense blood
Smell pervaded the whole meeting room, even though these senior cadres usually kill people without batting an eye, but when they saw that Zheng Bei ‘an couldn’t even resist, they were instantly killed and their legs trembled all the time. Those people now hurriedly found a chair and sat down.
Lu Se hurriedly asked someone to clean the meeting room. After a while, Zheng Beian’s’ body’ was cleaned up, he said, "Just now, you should remember that he is a new member of the Thunder Parliament and the real master of our blood city."
"I’m just managing the organization for him. I’m sure you can guess that’s right. Mr. Takeshi is dead."
"Don’t even think about revenge if a strong man like Mr. Qiu Wu hates knives. In general, Councillor Tianyang said that he would not interfere in our organization and would not replace the original team. You can all keep your wealth and strength."
"But Mr. Tianyang ordered us to transform and stop engaging in human trafficking. If anyone violates it, Zheng Bei ‘an is the best example."
A cadre raised his hand and said, "What do you want us to do if we are not allowed to traffic in people? Mercenary business has always been a thunder parliament dealer. We can’t do it, but the blue fortress is in the casino bar. There are ten houses in the city that are Yunshang Club. Do you want us to be news vendors like those’ ants’? "
"Today is not called you up? The purpose is to study our future development route. Can’t so many heads come up with an idea? "
"There are so many businesses at the end of the day that you can’t do it except human trafficking?"
Lu Se Avenue "use your brains. Say whatever you think, and it’s absurd to repeat it, but it’s not harmful."
Cadres, you see, I see, your words and suggestions are also warm at the moment. It seems that everyone has forgotten that there is still a pool of blood in the hall that has not been cleaned up.
Thunder parliament central building
A magnetic energy car stopped, Tianyang emerged from the inside, adjusted his clothes a little and walked towards the gate.
The gate guards are still two beautiful women with long legs, big breasts and big faces, but today they are the other two. It seems that the parliament has some hobbies in this respect, so I don’t know who is talking about putting two vases at the gate.
After the second parliamentary meeting, the news of new members of Tianyang parliament has been announced, so the two beautiful guards have already known the news although they have not seen Tianyang with their own eyes.
So when they saw the sun coming, they straightened their backs and presented their best side.
These guards in the central building are not just "vases". They also have some military training and have a certain level of marksmanship and fighting skills.
These beautiful women come from the parliamentary department and their families in various mercenary groups. Although they don’t suffer from daily livelihood like wild girls, who doesn’t want to live a better life in the future?
As a guard in the central building, you can get in touch with the big shots in parliament every day. It is better for them to be lovers than guards.
Especially Tianyang, a young and handsome figure with limited future, is their ideal goal. As Tianyang approached, two beautiful women were both nervous and excited, trying to leave a good impression on the young new senator.
So Tianyang just walked to the gate and heard two guards greeting "good morning!
Mr Tianyang "
Tianyang looked up and swept the two guards, both of whom were Westerners, and one of them was even a little taller than Tianyang.
They are all in good proportion, and their legs are long and straight together, and there is no gap in the seam.
The five senses are also unique, with the deep outline of westerners. One looks pure and the other is a little wild.
"Good morning"
Tianyang smiled and nodded at them and quickly walked into the door without moving.
Immediately two guards can’t help but be discouraged.
Tianyang went to the reception desk next to the reception desk, and a well-dressed woman quickly got up and said, "Good morning, Senator Tianyang."
"Good morning, I’d like to see the Speaker, please inform me." Tianyang said with a smile.
"Don’t bother, don’t bother, please wait a moment." The receptionist is flattered. You know, members of parliament who come in and out of the central building are all big shots
Such a character is so humble and courteous that the receptionist is a little uncomfortable. After all, most of its members are independent, not to mention that it is a good person to talk humbly like Tianyang and not bother you.
Just when the receptionist connected with the speaker’s office through the Ministry network, Tianyang heard the big greetings from the beautiful guards at the gate.
"Good morning, Senator Gong"
Gong Zhibin?
Tianyang turned around and saw dumpy coming in, and didn’t avert suspicion. He slapped the pure beauty hip just now and laughed and then found Tianyang.
Humpty Dumpty suddenly froze his face. It took two seconds before he came over and said, "Hey, isn’t this Senator Tianyang? I haven’t seen you for several days, and you have left the city of garbage collection. "
"Strange you are not busy investigating blood city? How come to the central building? "
Tianyang smiled slightly. "I didn’t investigate the blood city."
Gong Zhibin paused and then smiled grimly. "How dare you turn a deaf ear to the speaker’s order? Don’t say that I don’t warn you. Even a member of parliament can’t violate the speaker’s order unless you refuse or protest on the spot."
"Otherwise, if it is not implemented afterwards, it will be severely punished."
Tianyang smiled and put the "blood drink" on the reception desk. "I didn’t investigate the blood city. I just killed the leader of the blood city and let the blood city change to a master."
"Now the blood city will not be a threat to the parliament. I believe that the Speaker should not punish me for this?"
Gong Zhibin was dumbfounded and couldn’t believe his ears.
This little guy killed the leader of blood city? That’s rank 7 strong, not Lin Yuanliu weak chicken!
How is that possible?
"Tianyang congressman speaker’s office is waiting for you. Do you know where the office is? Do you need me to lead the way? " Then the receptionist got up and said
Tianyang nodded. "Then please take a way."
"Okay, this way, please."
Gong Zhibin didn’t come to his senses until Tianyang and the receptionist left. He took out a communicator from his pocket and sent me a text message to check the latest situation of’ Blood City’!
Chapter 117 Select retinue
It’s already noon when Tianyang comes out from the gate of the central building.
He has made a report to the speaker, but he didn’t say that if he killed the dome, he didn’t ask the old man. He said, "If you have no objection to the parliament and you are strong enough, then everything you do is right."
In addition to reporting on the "Blood City", Tianyang also took this opportunity to express to the Speaker his wish to attend the "God of War Festival" in the Fort of God of War, and he did not object and gave him a token.
With this token with a mine pattern, Tianyang can go to the parliament to set up several training camps outside the city to pick two retinue with rank 5. In addition, the parliament will equip him with a guard of about 15 people when he leaves.
Holding the token given by the retinue, Tianyang got into the magnetic energy car and the door hasn’t come yet. Suddenly someone got in and suddenly the car seemed a little crowded.
A weed-like hair is not trimmed today. Hu Adolf smiled at Tianyang’s token. "It seems that you are going to the training camp. Shall I go with you?"
"I …"
"If you don’t thank me, who makes me like you? Don’t get me wrong. When I say like, I mean to appreciate that kind of orientation. It’s normal for you not to worry."
Self-invited Adolf rattled and patted the driver in front, "What are you doing?"

The key is the third seal of Ura, and Ura himself thinks it is a mysterious seal, which means that Ura people have never understood where this mysterious seal came from.

The ice sword array broke out
In an instant, Fiona Fang, 50 meters away from the center of Wula, was frozen, and Lei Yun and Wula were directly turned into a big moraine by ice.
Ulla was terrified.
According to this situation, he will be frozen into a moraine and then fall from the sky, and his body will directly smash into pieces.
Ula’s mind has been stirred up by the rebirth of the seal.
Just waiting for the moment of physical death.
But as soon as Ula waited for the moment of death arrival, a circle was more magnificent than the spirit, and suddenly Ula exploded all over.
Ice array sword frozen to Ulla’s side is slightly chaotic and explosive when it is impacted by this circle of spirit.
Finally, Ulla was frozen, a huge ice sculpture in the Ministry.
When the feeling of weightlessness came, a huge ice hole suddenly appeared in the top of Ulla’s head.
In an instant, Ula will turn into Lei Guang to escape.
Ice flower four sputtering
No matter how strong the ice is, it will be smashed when it falls from thousands of meters.
Ula looked at Xu tui with some terror.
Once again, he retired and easily demonstrated his ability to kill him.
Just now, if you really want to chop him, you can chop him!
Ulla is a little scared.
Two consecutive retreats can cut him, and the ability and methods are different. So far, Ula has not figured out a solution.
What Ula didn’t even find out how Xu retired to lock his position and breath.
Ulla is a little depressed!
"such as?" Xu tui sneer at
"The head of the team is awesome!"
Xu tui stared at ulla coldly and suddenly shouted, "You mean it!"
"Come again!"
Is almost should be instantly ulla instantly into Lei Guang dun walk.
This time, Ulla is ready to change her strategy.
You can’t hide in Lei Yun as before, but you should quickly turn Lei Yun and then constantly provoke Lei Yun to attack and retreat like crazy
After all, Lei Yun outside Tianmen in the south is the natural home of his Ula!
Also ulla is about to flash into a piece of Lei Yun. Suddenly, inexplicable palpitations appear in my heart, or the thunder department is making a warning sign.
Almost at the same moment, Ulla sweated like a pulp.
Because Ulla saw a small dark sword suddenly appear, hovering one meter above his forehead, and there was no chop.
Xu tui specializes in beheading the spiritual body and killing the Excalibur.
Ulla’s body trembled uncontrollably.
To tell the truth, it means that Ulla is not afraid to retreat.
What about cutting off his body?
He can be resurrected if he has reincarnation.
But this Excalibur only cuts the mental body.
If the mental body is beheaded, he is really dead and can’t die again.
Even if he is not killed by a blow, the Excalibur is just a blow to his mental body, that won’t do either.
If the mental body is seriously injured, it is possible that the mental body will collapse during the resurrection of the reincarnation seal, so that he will fail to revive and die!
This is that real mean to kill him.
This moment ulla is really scared.
He thinks that Xu tui may know something, and it is very likely that he knows that there are reincarnation and resurrection things in other bodies, and so on.
To kill him with the Excalibur
This is the first time in many years that Ulla has felt the death threat.
Therefore, I want to escape when I see the moment of Excalibur.
God knows if Xu tui will chop the whole Excalibur.
But as soon as Ula wants to turn into Lei Guang’s escape, the inexplicable palpitation breath flashes around Ula again and again
In an instant, all the blood in Ulla’s face faded and her face was as white as paper!
Dare not move a cent.
Because in addition to the dark Excalibur above his head, a small yellow sword with extremely strong spirit fluctuation is also suspended in his, left and right directions at this moment.
Small sword breath over Excalibur breath is somewhat similar.